Back pain
Many stereotypes of overweight people are true. Take back pain. I have been dealing with back pain because I have poor posture. I've been telling myself that my back pain is because of an ol' football injury (which is partially true). But the complete truth is that I carry myself poorly. I don't support myself when I sit in chairs. And I hunch forward when I type on the computer. How did I deal with this for so long? Since I do not like to take pills, I only took an anti-inflammatory when the pain grew unbearable. My primary method for dealing with my back pain was to have my wife walk on my back. I would lie on the floor, face down, and she would slowly walk up and down on my back. Afterward I would curl into a ball and rock forward and back. Sometimes I would stretch my lower back. I have done this for years. And it kept me going. Since I have started my journey toward long-lasting health, however, I have needed this less and less. Ironically, my back has been hurting...