Day two: Bad breath

If day one was surprisingly easy, the second day proved to be equally and oppositely challenging. My meal plan calls for a rejection of my regular foods and an incorporation of processed, sugar-free foods. Before the intervention I ate good, home-cooked meals. Rarely ate processed foods and never ate sugar substitutes. I just ate a lot of the foods I did eat! But now I am eating foods so foreign to me. When I open the packages, I can smell the fake sugar! And the taste is getting to me.

In my previous post I mentioned that my portion sizes have been dramatically reduced. This is still true. In the afternoon my wife mentioned to me that my breath was bad--she described it as "fasting breath." If you have never fasted for any length of time, you may not know that there is a physiological process that begins to occur after a certain length of time. Namely, your body begins to process all of the stored toxins and other waste. They come out in your pores and from your tongue--that's what makes your breath stink! Even though I am not fasting, my caloric intake is so low that my body has begun to process all of the stored waste.

Towards the end of the day I began to feel really anxious. I was feeling proud of myself for making this change, I was feeling impatient to see results, and I was feeling depressed for having allowed myself to get to this state. All at the same time. My mind was racing and I had no outlet for these emotions. I guess all I really wanted was food. Before the intervention I turned to the refrigerator in moments like these. This was my first real test. How was I going to deal with the influx of competing emotions without the aid from food? That's the test. I'm not doing this to lose weight. No, I am staging this intervention to change everything about myself. I'm hitting the giant reset button because I need to learn new strategies and develop healthy habits. This is how I am going to live a longer healthier life.

Day two was actually September 9, 2014.


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