Something to think about

I want to lose weight, look better and feel better. One of the first steps toward this goal is to make a list of 10 reasons why I want to do this for myself. I want to be very specific here.

  1. STOP SNORING. Seriously. I have lived my whole adult life without getting a full night's sleep. I wake up unrested and ready to go back to bed. I've become addicted to caffeine because I cannot make it through the day without it.
  2. WALK UP THE STAIRS WITHOUT BEING SHORT OF BREATH. I can usually make it up the first flight with no problem. There's a problem when I have to tackle several flights. I usually slow way down when I get to the top and pause thoughtfully, so I can catch my breath without drawing attention to the fact that I was missing it.
  3. SIT ON THE FLOOR WITHOUT MY LEGS GOING NUMB. I don't know if you have this problem, but I do. I like to get on the floor and play with my kids but I usually hide the fact that I am uncomfortable by laying flat, which takes up more of the floor space and limits our range.
  4. PARTICIPATE IN AN ADULT REC LEAGUE. I want to play soccer. I want to play rugby. I want to play basketball (again!). I want to be active. When I was a kid, you always found me at the park. I was the last kid to leave when it grew dark. Whatever happened to that kid?
  5. PARTICIPATE IN REACH THE BEACH WITH CLAIRE. My daughter shares my same love for riding bicycles. I've done Reach the Beach twice. She was too young to participate then and wants to now, desperately. And I want to, too!
  6. RIDE A CENTURY. Back when I was riding to work everyday, I read a lot about bicycles and training programs and culture. The pinnacle event, the one every casual to moderate rider sought after was the century--100 miles in one day. I believed that I could have done it, I just never tried. And then I stopped riding. I want to regain what I lost by losing what I have gained.
  7. RUN A 5K. I have actually done this one. But I am in no way able to now. That's why I am staging an intervention.
  8. RUN A 13.1. A half-marathon? Why not! After training for a 5K I can tack on a few more miles and be ready in no time!
  9. RUN A MARATHON. This has been a secret desire of mine for a long long time. Only now have I the resolve to reach for it.
  10. PARTICIPATE IN A TRI OR IRONMAN COMPETITION. The natural, ultimate goal.
When I get down, I can refer to this list. It's encouragement. It's a reminder.

In no way is this list a bucket list of sorts. Because there are so many more things I want to do that will demand from me better physical shape. Hiking--I go every year in July. If I'm in better shape I can do more difficult trails and more days in a row. Earning my D License--I am a soccer coach and I already have my E License. But there is a physical component to this license. I need to be able to perform what I intend to coach. So I need to get into better shape for that.

There's a lot here. A lot to think about. A lot to motivate me. I can do it.


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