Part 1: The Coach

I've been on my journey for some time now and I have lost more than 60 pounds! People call me names now, "Hey, slim!" "I barely noticed you standing there!" And while these comments are not all that funny, I do appreciate the verbal gestures. Really, people notice the change. And some even ask the most important question of all: How?

I have a plan. It unfolds in three parts. I have a coach that checks in with me each week. I have a set of workbooks that teach me new habits of health. I have a meal plan.

My coach is Kevin. He's an athlete, a coach, a proud nerd, and a sports enthusiast. Aside from having never been obese, he and I have a lot in common. Kevin tells of his sports career in terms of triumphs and failures. As a competitive swimmer he experiences these ups and downs weekly. He knows what it is like to fall and to get back up again.

Kevin is also human. He talks about his experiences with "lousy dietary habits and the abundance of cheep, trashy food." He understands the late night cravings and the food you eat to feel good. I appreciate that I can call him and not feel like I have to hide anything.

The journey for me has certainly had its ups and downs. Being on a diet during the holidays is certainly very foolish because I created even more ups and downs with the choices I made. I hit a plateau. I was no longer losing weight and even put back on three pounds. Thankfully my coach is there to help me get back on the horse. We reviewed the plan and came up with a counter to what I was experiencing. Now things are moving in the right direction. The three additional pounds are gone and I am well on my way.

The advantage to having a coach like Kevin is that we work together to see me be successful. Kevin is successful when I am healthy. Together we'll get there!


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