The feeling of loss
Today I truly felt sad. My wife came home from Costco with egg nog. EGG NOG! Now, I know what you are thinking. First, why is egg nog on sale in September ? The second may not be so obvious. Let me explain. Egg nog means holidays. Holidays mean food. Food means happiness. My birthday is wrapped up in the middle of it all, too. It's a season I love. I love all the home cooking. The cookies that are baked. The pumpkin seeds that are roasted. The stuffing and the gravy. Oh, the gravy! The holiday beers. Popcorn. Nuts. Winter squash. Turkey, ham, lamb. Cheese plates and veggie trays. And the parties. Any excuse to gather around food. So when I saw that egg nog I realized for the first time what this diet actually means. Sacrifice. Going without my favorite foods during my favorite time of the year is going to be very difficult. Earlier I wrote about saying no to myself. While I knew that this would be difficult, I didn't understand the full weight of that statement. I am going t...